Guide to get started on the Pillow app

Pillow: Dollar Savings App
2 min readOct 5, 2022


Hi there, we’re excited to help you get started on the Pillow app. The steps are simple, and you will start earning in dollars in no time! 🥳

  1. To use Pillow, please download the Pillow Fund app on your mobile.

1a. If you are on Playstore, search for “Pillow savings” and you will see the Pillow app. Download now.

1b. If you are on Appstore, search for “Pillow crypto” and you will see the Pillow app. Download now.

2. After downloading the app, sign up using any one of the three options available: “Continue with Google”, “Continue with Apple ID” or “Sign up with Email”

3. If you have a referral code, please do not forget to enter that to get your deposit bonus!

4. Ta-da! You are now signed in to your Pillow app

Now that you are signed in, you can go ahead and make your deposit to start earning in dollars daily! Check out this blog for how to deposit funds in your Pillow account:

Happy saving,

Team Pillow Fund



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